
Important changes to Capital Gains Tax

From 6th April 2020, all Capital Gains Tax (CGT) due following the disposal of a residential property will have to be paid within 30 days of the completion date. The new rules will affect individuals, trustees and personal representatives. Failure to pay on time will result in HMRC imposing interest and potential penalties. It’s important to note that this new deadline will apply even where no money has changed hands – eg when a property is gifted to a member of the family or put into trust.​

Commercial property - an attractive investment?

Your pension and what to do with it is a hot topic these days, especially with the changes allowing lump sums to be withdrawn early.  

Many pensioners are investing their pension in property – primarily, residential property.  People tend to be more comfortable with residential property because many of us have owned houses and believe that it is the most straightforward option available.

However, if you are looking to invest in property there is an alternative…

What happens if you inherit a house?

If you've inherited a house, there's a lot to deal with and often quite big decisions to be made. Partner Michelle Collins outlines the things you need to consider, including your tax implications...

Our 9th year of sponsoring the Moveable Feast

It was another sell-out night for the annual Lloyd Addison’s Moveable Feast, which celebrated its twentieth year raising funds for Parkinson’s UK with its biggest attendance to-date.​

Our two trainee solicitors have qualified!

We are delighted to announce that our trainee solicitors Chloé Holden and Juliet Farrington-Breeze have been enrolled as solicitors with the Law Society.

We are further delighted to confirm that Chloé and Juliet have accepted offers to join our private client and commercial property departments respectively.

Michelle Collins, partner and head of the firm’s private client team:

Advice for first time commercial property tenants

Recently we have helped a handful of new businesses take on their first commercial tenancies. Of all the advice we gave, it was the breakdown of costs that our clients most appreciated.

So we thought it would be useful to list the costs that, upon completion of a lease, a commercial tenant is responsible for...


2019 Landlord Roadshow

We are delighted to be co-hosting the Landlord Roadshow at The Forum in Norwich on Wednesday 25thSeptember from 6pm to 9pm.​

Established as the region’s premier property investment event, the Roadshow features expert speakers in all aspects of property investment. Our commercial property partner, Dan Evans, will be speaking alongside key personnel from Arnolds Keys, M+A Partners and Mortgage Advice Bureau.​

How to protect your property from fraud

Internet fraud, online scams, ‘phishing’ emails– most of us are, sadly, all too aware of the many different ways that we can become a victim of fraud. But very few of us are aware that our status as a property owner also means that we are at risk of fraud…

Realistically, property fraud is less likely when you live in the property that you own. The risk is heightened if you own a portfolio of properties that are let out or remain empty for any time. 

Pre-nups - all you need to know

For many years pre-nuptial agreements have been thought of as only for the rich and famous. However, in many cases, a ‘pre-nup’ can be a very sensible thing to consider.​

What is a pre-nuptial agreement and why might it be useful for me?

Where a couple plans to marry, a pre-nuptial agreement sets out what they would want to happen to any property, debts, income and other assets either bought together or individually, or that they brought into their relationship, if the relationship ends.

HMO Licences - ignore at your peril

I saw a very interesting story on the BBC recently, which reminded me of the perils awaiting any landlord not obtaining a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licence.

In the Tribunal’s decision in Leeds, a landlord was ordered to repay 12 months rent in the sum of £15,000 to his tenants because he failed to obtain a HMO Licence.

An HMO is a building or part of a building if it is:

To find out more, call us on: 01603 625231