
Sibling rivalry: How it affects appointing Executors of a will

Michelle Collins, Partner, Private Client, discusses the problem when joint Executors are rival siblings.

Parents usually come to see me and want to treat their children equally.  This extends to a need to appoint their children jointly as Executors.  

This can be a bad idea in some circumstances and can mean that an estate sits at stalemate if decisions can’t be reached.

'We have the expertise and understanding of the system': Probate delays

A story published in the Times recently stated some probate applications across the UK were taking up to a year to process and the delays were 'punishing' grieving families.

Ashlie Cox, Solicitor, Private Client, said: "We do agree that the probate system has suffered severe delays in applications being processed - certainly since Covid and working from home measures were introduced.

'Fire and Re-Hire': What are the proposed new legal changes?

Natalie Peacock, Chartered Legal Executive in our Business team, explains the proposed Government changes to the practice of dismissal and re-engagement of employees.

If you are an employer and you want to alter the terms and conditions of employees, you need to ensure you are aware of the proposed new changes relating to the often unfair practice known as 'fire and re-hire.'

Abolition of Section 21 Notices on hold

The Renters (Reform) Bill is due for its second reading on Monday 23 October 2023 and is proposed to become law in early 2024.

The first draft of the Renters (Reform) Bill was introduced to Parliament in May 2023 and centred around ending Section 21 evictions to help give private residential tenants greater security in their homes.

Section 21 Notices are known as ‘no fault’ notices of possession which are served on assured shorthold tenants providing them with at least 2 months to vacate the property. No reasons for the landlord seeking possession need to be given.

Meghan Buckland

Trainee Solicitor

Meghan Buckland

Meghan joined the firm as a trainee in September 2023.

Meghan attained her law degree at the University of East Anglia graduating in summer 2023. Alongside her studies she volunteered at Norfolk Community Law Service. Meghan is currently undertaking the SQE route to qualification.

Outside of work Meghan enjoys travelling and spending time with her family and friends.

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